Sunday, September 19, 2010

Really interesting face drawing I like the use of photo montage

I think this is a really comic image

Sketchy Image



Banksy- really effective and simple street art


beautiful natural photo
Like the way that the photo has been cut up into another shape


Interesting the way through cutting out images two images have been created both as interesting.

Melbourne Fashion Week Poster. I like the way that imagry has been drawn over a photograph

Record cover from 'Gabz'

Really interesting use of collage of imagry and photography

Collage sculptures by Jusine Kharma-

Just an interesting Photograph through the design 'sculpture' of the hair

'Gabz' Realistic drawings then created into graphics through digital application

Image from Blanket magazine

Just a really interesing image of the way that the space has been occupied

Cut out images- i like the repetition

I like this photograph and how the mirrors arein the middle of nowhere and allows the viewer to see me of the landscape.

I like the ise of ink and drawings over a photograph

And interesting 3D font